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Today's Deals
-cotton mix check fabric -elastic waist -soft and steachable skirt fabric...
100% MADE IN TAIWAN PREMIUM COLLECTION - 棉質布料,舒適又不會悶熱,是夏天必備!cotton fabirc,...
- 100 % cotton fabric - loose design, slim cutting - 2 sides pocket, can...
- 布料彈性很好,手感柔軟舒適。 - 利用剪接與剪裁,創造裙擺不規則與小波浪,走路擺動都會有飄逸感。 - 前後兩穿設計,CP值很高。 -...
New Products
-100% premium double salu cotton -maxi design -nature color indigo dyed -super soft skin touch -comfortable and elegant design
-100% premium cotton -elastic sleeve but not too tight -overzied cutting but slim look -easy match with jeans or cotton skirt also nice
-100% cotton -front pocket design make it even cute -easy match with almost jeans or short even skirt -Fit S-XL size
-folded sleeve design, 袖口反折設計,簡單有型 -with 2 side pockets simple and nice兩側口袋,方便簡約 -100% cotton fabric, comfortable and soft touch純棉布料,舒適不悶熱 -A...
-100% cotton -pleated sleeve -easy match with skirt and jeans -100% made in Taiwan
-cotton mix check fabric -elastic waist -soft and steachable skirt fabric -with 2 side pockets
Best Selling
修身荷葉傘袖口袋連身洋 - 特殊荷葉傘袖剪裁,不只修飾手臂,上身視覺效果也小了一號。- 很舒服的寬帶收腰鬆緊設計。- 設計時上身衣長留有一點份量,可遮住腰帶,修飾肚子創造腰身,讓前後側邊都很顯瘦。- 兩側有口袋,很加分。- 裙擺單側開岔,擺動跑跳更方便外,也更添層次感
- 版型寬鬆,利用剪接創造出視覺腰身,很修飾身形。 - 立體剪接裝飾線,整體簡約有層次,很百搭!
-The texture is meticulous and easy to match. To -Elastic rib stitching on the neckline, which can be worn on both shoulders. - styling pockets,...
開岔連帽口袋長版外套 - 布料質地柔順舒適- 連帽版型,不戴帽子時也可修飾上身線條,很修身- 方便好用的直口袋- 兩側開岔修飾比例
- 立體編織條紋布料,很有質感。 - 布料舒適柔軟帶有一點挺度不貼身。 - 大圓領露鎖骨修飾臉型,也可拉斜肩,依照不同穿搭調整。 - 修身的率性落肩剪裁,休閒中帶點微性感。 - 長度前後一點落差,依然可遮整個臀,不紮也很修飾腿部線條。 -...
台灣優質精選商品100%Made In Taiwan, Taiwan Design -100% cotton, super comfortable -Bell frilling sleeve design, beautiful wave and make arm shape look...
-100% premium soft cotton -Overside can fit any size -style W design, unique and speical -100% design in Taiwan , made in taiwan
-微彈軟棉質布料,舒適又不會太貼身 slight stretchable fabric - 版型寬鬆,下襬圓弧蓋至一半的臀,不紮修飾身型,紮起來比例e剛剛好!loose cutting, can tuck in the bottom -...
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